por c0510293 | Jun 6, 2017 | Blog
Uno de los sueños de todo aquel que se dedica al learning (o capacitación y desarrollo), es que las experiencias o soluciones de aprendizaje que diseña se vuelvan virales. Es decir, que los usuarios de la experiencia transmitan lo que han aprendido o vivido de manera...
por c0510293 | May 9, 2017 | Blog
By Abraham González-Báez Jalife [resourceful colleague and good friend] Comments by Diego Lainez (DL) I am truly glad to present my first guest writer: Abraham González-Báez Jalife (thank you so much Abe. It is great to have you here). I met Abe at college, then life...
por c0510293 | Abr 28, 2017 | Blog
Over the years I’ve understood that the best way to do something is simply by doing it. Meaning, you need to take action in order to find out if an idea may or may not work. In business (and in life) the process between an idea and its materialization in a...
por Diego Lainez Jamieson | Abr 10, 2017 | Blog
What is a mentor? A mentor is a guide who can help you to find the right direction and develop solutions to personal and professional issues. I have been very lucky to have had a couple of them. Their impact on me had been deep and lasting. But, why? From my...
por Diego Lainez Jamieson | Abr 6, 2017 | Blog
Given my previous experience as an instructional designer I became a good interviewer and shadower. I did hundreds of them and I got very good at active questioning and active listening. It has been helpful now, because I keep doing them all the time and so far, I...