por Diego Lainez Jamieson | Abr 10, 2017 | Blog
What is a mentor? A mentor is a guide who can help you to find the right direction and develop solutions to personal and professional issues. I have been very lucky to have had a couple of them. Their impact on me had been deep and lasting. But, why? From my...
por Diego Lainez Jamieson | Mar 3, 2017 | Blog
I said I would share a second thought about time management and I will (read: So, you don’t have time? Buy it). Actually, it comes from a comment a good friend of mine gave me recently: Successful people know that they have to say NO, more often than they say...
por Diego Lainez Jamieson | Feb 28, 2017 | Blog
I don´t have the time I remember myself saying that very often in the past. Now, a nostalgic laugh comes to me as I see how ridiculous it sounds from where I am standing now. I have been married for two years now and I have a year old daughter. Now, I am sure that I...