por c0510293 | Jul 29, 2017 | Blog
Vincent Carlos says that reading is, and always has been, the habit of the highly successful. He even mentions that world’s most successful people read at least one book a week (read this). I agree, although I hardly read one book a week. However, I try to read as...
por c0510293 | Jul 20, 2017 | Blog, Videos
Hoy: La historia del liderazgo// El líder héroe vs líder sistémico// Conectando con la mente de los bebés y su crecimiento digital// Cómo el storytelling nos define// Los 4 tipos de analytics// El crecimiento de una empresa según Jason Fried// Si te interesa algún...
por c0510293 | May 4, 2017 | Blog
Home-based, flexible working, coffee-based, out-of-the-office scheme, or digital workplace. Call it as you want. They all are basically about working anywhere but at an office, very popular today. There are tons of books, articles, and videos talking about it. Most of...
por Diego Lainez Jamieson | Abr 6, 2017 | Blog
Given my previous experience as an instructional designer I became a good interviewer and shadower. I did hundreds of them and I got very good at active questioning and active listening. It has been helpful now, because I keep doing them all the time and so far, I...