por c0510293 | Jul 29, 2017 | Blog
Vincent Carlos says that reading is, and always has been, the habit of the highly successful. He even mentions that world’s most successful people read at least one book a week (read this). I agree, although I hardly read one book a week. However, I try to read as...
por c0510293 | Jul 15, 2017 | Blog, Videos
Hoy: McKinsey y la «mente digital» / Masters of Scale, Endeavor y el próximo Silicon Valley/ el playlist de Harvey Specter / La última hora (serie) Podcasts McKinsey Podcast* – Achieving a digital state of mind Masters of Scale* – The Next Silicon Valley...
por c0510293 | Jul 13, 2017 | Blog, Videos
Blinkist / David Burkus y la creatividad/ El arte de no hacer nada/ Seguridad en CEMEX/ Appearn.in / Robots/ Harari y Homodeus/ Rudy Joffroy/ Freelancer.org/ El arte de ser despedido/ Design Thinking ¿buzzword? Podcasts Blinkist* – David Burkus Debunks Everything You...
por c0510293 | Jul 10, 2017 | Blog, Videos
Hoy aprendimos sobre Design Thinking/ Prototyping/ Drones y Robots en la industria de la construcción: $127 billones/ El curso más popular de Coursera/Dos nombres Comunes (Andreas Ostberg y Pepe Madero). Colegas, aquí los links de los Learnings de este día: Podcasts...
por Diego Lainez Jamieson | Abr 20, 2017 | Blog
Last November I had the opportunity to go to Toronto to certify myself as Design Thinking Master by Experience Point. As soon as I get back I talked to my boss about developing a training session for the extended team to share the knowledge I have acquired. Such...