Hoy: Cal Newport, pasión y trabajo / El arte de elegir / Microlearning y la pérdida del gusto por aprender/ Home – office en China/ Cryptocurrencies / Neuroscience/
- The Report (BBC radio 4)* – Bitcoin con Simon Cox
- Harvard Business Review Ideacast* – Ep. 581 Blockchain: What You Need to Know con Karim Lakhani
*Disponible en iTunes
- Stanford business – Why Working From Home Is a “Future-looking Technology” by
- Futurism – Cryptocurrencies Took a hit, but some experts say now is the best time to buy by Karla Lant
- LinkedIn Learning – What’s good and that’s bad about microlearning by Paul Petrone
Stanford University – Does working from home work? Evidence from a Chinese Experiment
- Cal Newport – So Good They Can’t Ignore You: Why Skills Trump Passion in the Quest for Work You Love
- Sheena Iyengar – The art of choosing: The Decisions We Make Everyday of our Lives, What They Say About Us and How We Can Improve Them
- Futurism
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Luego de más de 8 años en el área de Learning, he aprendido que la mejor manera de aprender es conversando y compartiendo con otros.